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When you put food in your box and they are with little to no nutrition, your body has to go into overdrive just to process it. 

So not only are you not getting the nutrients you need but now a huge portion of your energy is being directed to your digestive system just to pass the food through. 

If all your energy is spent on digestion alone, your brain will be left high and dry.

“A high performer is someone who says, I want to be the best at what I’m doing.” – Brendon Burchard

3. The Not To-Do List

Everyone and their mother will tell you to focus on your list of tasks if you want to be highly productive. 

But when we make our lists of tasks, we are only adding things to do into our daily routine. 

If we are adding things that are going to move the needle in our lives, we need to make room and subtract the things that don’t.

This was picked up from Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. The Not To-Do List is a list of things that you are not going to do anymore. 

The list of things that you are certifying, by writing them down, that you will no longer take part in.

It could be a plethora of things like not going on social media during the daytime, not watching tv during the week & not hanging out with friends so much when you have things to do (especially if they’re toxic, then they sadly take the boot). 

It’s incredibly important to start holding yourself accountable by bringing some awareness to where your time is going. 

If you want to be successful, understand that TIME is your most valuable asset.

The Bottom Line

The truth is there is no real secret to success. 

Everyone has their own way of approaching their ambitions in life. But in order for us to figure out how we are going to get there (which there really is no destination, it’s a lifelong journey) we need to begin to start from within.

We need to peek inside ourselves, begin the work and simultaneously start taking action towards creating the lives we truly desire. 

Devise the plan of attack, make the commitment and TAKE ACTION. 

Emphasis on the action because most people will do the first two and never follow through and it leads them down the road of misery and unfulfillment.

Whether you become successful or not doesn’t depend on who you are so much as the choices you decide to make day in and day out, every minute of every day. 

And just know, habits like these are like tinder just waiting for you to set you ablaze.

Thanks for reading.

Drop your opinion or other tips (you know of that were not mentioned) to get higher performance in comment section below.

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