Have you been looking for tips to get prepared for your upcoming exams?
Don't fret/panic, I have got you covered on this page.
Examination is just a way of testing what they have taught you and I. So it's expected to be based on what you have been taught although some questions might seem off the radar of your curriculum.
This isn't mostly the case, it's just that they have asked the question in a way that you and I aren't familiar with.
Which is why we don't just study (anyhow) we need to learn some technique to study right.
Studying is a skill that is required from every student, it can be learnt and improved upon.
So, here, we are gonna discuss some of the best tips for an effective study.
As the adage goes, failing to plan is planning to fail.
Irrespective of the goal you set. Plan is a crucial step to achieving that goal.
Similarly, for you to ace your exam, you need to sit yourself down and plan how you are to use your time, where you are to focus your attention, what you will feed yourself intellectually & psychologically.
To make a plan, you need to:
1. Get yourself isolated.
2. List the courses/subjects you offer.
3. Draw out your free periods.
4. Slot in the courses/subject into those free periods and allot them durations based on their relevance and difficulty.
5. One thing to note before rounding up here is that you should discipline yourself to live by what you planned.
One of the most important thing to do when reading is using visual aids or memory tools called mnemonics.
Students tends to memorize lessons abstractly. This in turn leads them to forget easily or find it difficult to remember those lessons.
Whereas using visual aids can help you remember quite well than studying abstractly.
So next time you are studying. You should:
1. Use the aid of diagram to get a concrete picture of what you are studying.
2. Associate, which is to link/connect the content to an existing info in your brain. This strengthen the retention of the content, cus it has been linked to an already existing info.
One of the most effective way of studying is to do it in group.
Studying in group will give you the opportunity to discuss what you have studied with your peers.
Discussing a course/subject strengthen the retention of those subjects.
Of course, you have to.
Aside sacrificing your time to read your lecture notes and books it is important to study past questions of that same subject in order to familiarize yourself with the manner in which questions are asked.
Studying past questions will expose you to your weaknesses as well as your strengths. You will see some questions you can answer and some which you can't.
The next best thing to do after that is to dig up more info about the questions or consult your seniors for better explanation if you are confused.
Here are some of the tips have got for you this session. Check back next session for some more useful examination tips.
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